
Have you seen a ghost mirror before and do you know how to define a mirror is a ghost mirror? There are many definitions but if a mirror that you can see the reflection of your surroundings but you can’t find your image in the mirror, then possibly this is a ghost mirror.

This awesome “Ghost Mirror” was designed by Olivier Sidet. In this mirror, the observer can see the reflection of his surroundings and yet he is never able to see himself.

As you can see in the picture, there is reflection of the bookshelf; by right your image should show up as well, but it doesn’t. Instead of seeing a ghost in a “ghost mirror”, looks like you are the “ghost” now because you didn’t exist from the reflection of a mirror. Sounds interesting, right?

Interested to know how it works? Well, from the designer’s website, it states that the only materials used are a mirror and an electric motor. So it is probably the vibration of the mirror makes the reflected images blurred.

Really can’t wait to get one for my house. But the price of this fantastic item is not mentioned, and also never mentioned where to buy, so bad.