Canada Million Dollar Wonderful Gold Coin
Blogroll, Interesting Stuff, Wonderful ThingsRecently, the Royal Canadian Mint has unveiled a welcome addition to any piggy bank. A monster gold coin with a face value of C$1 million ($1.1 million) that it says is the world’s biggest, purest (99.999%) and highest denomination coin, which breaking a value record.
This gold coin is 53cm in diameter and 3cm thick & it weighting in at 100 kilograms. Transport Minister Lawrence Cannon, who is responsible for the mint, said the coin “takes Canada’s reputation in the gold bullion industry to an unprecedented level”. The colossal 100-kg gold coins will be produced in a very limited quantity.
January 16th, 2010 at 8:16 pm
I love this coin. its so beautiful. if only i could afford to add it to me collection though
March 24th, 2010 at 2:24 pm
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