Pétanque, a french sport

Addicting Games, Funny Junk

Heard of this word? Pétanque? Guess not for those who are not European.
It is basically a type of French sports which is similar to lawn bowling.

Pétanque is a game of boules. It’s goal is for players to throw the metal balls as close as possible to a small wooden ball called a cochonnet (piglet). The game is normally played on hard dirt or gravel, but can also be played on grass or other surfaces. Sandy beaches are not suitable.

Pétanque, consists of the metal balls and the wooden piglet

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Channel’s Handbag or Cake

Interesting Stuff 1 Comment »

Channel Designer Handbag
or Yummy Channel’s Handbag Cake

The price of Channel crocheted Handbag may be sky high or out of reach to some of us but at least we still can enjoy a piece of cake – True blue Channel Designer Handbag Cake to eat till one’s heart content . Now comes a easy and handy step by step …Check it out

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Homosexual Erotic of 300 Raining Men Film

Movie Trailer

RMThis “R” rating film and lack of stars ultra violent warrior filrm ‘300’ directed by Zack Snyderis is about a legendary battle between the supposed homosexuality 300 Spartans who takes on Persians army to which it had been coined as the most gayer homesexual overtones or it teaches about ‘strategy, risk and perseverance’ ?

The gay pride parade float he makes his entrance on is a highlight and countless cleaved-off body parts…

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Do You Know??? Blue Nile Online Diamond Store Shaking Up Diamond Business !!!

Celebrity News, Wonderful Things

bluenilesolitairependant.jpgPeople might be willing to buy a book, magazine or CD online, but a $3,000 diamond engagement ring ???E-commerce is very popular within global internet and also provides a lot of chance for people who wanna to start their own business through internet.

Mark C. Vadon is one of them, he is one of the world’s top diamond retailers( Blue Nile ) nowaday.Blue Nile was Founded in 1999 and it has grown to become the largest online retailer of certified diamonds and fine jewelry.

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Replica Viagra Pills for Afterlife Sex

Interesting Stuff

VigraIn this coming Chinese Tombsweeping festival especially in China , besides from the modern consumer oriented society accepting paper cellphones , bungalows , car , luxury items etc ; customers are snapping up paper replica of viagra , condoms and sex related articles offering to burn for death relatives to theirs satisfying sex afterlife despite the government calls for the crackdown to halt the sales.

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Lindsay Lohan – Sexy Photo Gallery

Sexy Babes


Lindsay Morgan Lohan was born in Long Island, New York City on 2nd July 1986,Lindsay Lohan made a very early start of her career.Lindsay began her career at age three as a Ford Model.

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Kelly Chan in Sexy Triunph Underwear

Celebrity News

Born in Hong Kong in 1973, Kelly Chan, 陳慧琳 (also know as Chan Wai-Lam or Chen Huilin) is Hong Kong’s famous singer and actor. Kelly studied in Japan, so she can speak good Japanese as well as English and Mandarin. Kelly’s famous movies include “Whatever Will Be, Will Be”, “Anna Magdalena”, “Hot War”, “Tokyo Raiders”, “Internal Affairs”, “Lavender”, etc.


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