hcr1aSen Hillary Clinton would like to associate her soft side of her quality of being smart but also equally good at hard side of sport, so far listed speed walking as her favourite sport to good cross word puzzle, scrabble and gardening. This was however, seems to miss the mark hit by her rival democratic party, Sen Barack Obama in sport as in his basketball which had reflected the past glory days of presidential to throw out their first pitch as in :
1) George W. Bush tossing at baseball game ;
2) Bill Clinton hitting the golf ;
3) George H.W. Bush racing speedboats ;
4) Ronald Reagan sitting atop a horseback ;
5) How about Condoleezza Rice playing National Football League.

Or else how would she show her personality through leisure like sports. Definitely when comes to gut and brains, she from Illinois will lose out in personality to New Yorker Sen Obama in American public. Obviously , what the American wanted is strong and smart but likable as well.

Sen Hillary Clinton may backfire to show her sporty side at the expense of her votes. Just look to the year 2004 how tricky the White House tried to convince America public about her sports prowess.

Besides, it is advisable to leave her sports persona image to Sen Obama for she is smart as everyone thinks of to promote what she really is and not to what will win her votes. This is because people respect honesty , not a false persona and it is better to reminisce your glory days instead of trying to recapture the very moment in life.

I would say promoting herself as the caring, intelligent woman to who she clearly is.