God of War II
Topless Girls , Kratos Anti-Hero and Flesh Eating Party?

Electronics giant Sony has sparked a major row over animal cruelty and the ethics of the computer industry by using a freshly slaughtered goat to promote a violent video game.

The corpse of the decapitated animal was the centrepiece of a party to celebrate the launch of the God Of War II game for the company’s PlayStation 2 console.

Indeed violent games for violent people!The crass guy portraying Kratos , butched goat and topless lady appeared at the the article in UK Official PlayStation Magazine was slapped with explotative PR but was immediately recalled after the complaints.

In the myth of Greek , Kratos is personalisation of strength , power and taking Zeus as his mentor , the video game character and anti-hero of Sony’s God of War series.

More coming up of ‘Kratos’ mighty warrior fighting video game scenes/clips and never ending story…

It asks readers how far they would go to get hold of Sony’s next-generation console, the PlayStation 3.

“How about eating still warm intestines uncoiled from the carcass of a freshly slaughtered goat? At the party to celebrate God Of War II’s European release, members of the Press were invited to do just that . . .”

Clearly , it shown the offending images almost chopped off headless goat carcass was the main promotional event of the God of War II games.However , it was not butched there but was brought from somewhereelse and to be returned after the event.

The sony spokeman stated the company did not condone animal cruelty and recognise the promotion event using carcass animal was of poor taste and below the standard set upon by sony corporation.

More ambitious , details , sophisticated graphics and quality sequels coming your way for God of War II….

The original God of War saw Kratos, a mortal warrior, set upon an epic quest to dethrone a God. But his journey did not end there. In God of War II, Kratos sits atop his Olympus throne, as the new God of War — far more ruthless than Ares ever was. To end his continued torment, Kratos must journey to the far reaches of the earth and defeat untold horrors and alter that which no mortal, or god has ever changed: his fate. God of War II sets an epic stage for a devastating mythological war to end all wars

Kratos fighting his way to the throne

Kratos clinched his Olymopus throne

God Of War II Trailer 3